Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I know, I's been awhile. No excuses for not blogging...I'm just lazy.

So, it's official. Ben is now a pastor. We had the installation/ordination at the beginning of June. It was a wonderful service . Our friend Justin from seminary came down from Michigan and gave the sermon and our pastor from college and good college friends were also able to participate. Needless to say, it was a great day that ended with a fabulous after party at the in-laws. It was great to catch up with old friends and if you missed, well let's just say a good time was had by all.

After ordination, we took a big Hoyer vacation to Daytona Beach. It was a great relaxing week. Wes had a big time in the water. He wasn't even afraid of the waves. He also had LOTS of aunts and uncles and gbs and poppys to play with him(much to the delight of mom and dad).

After the beach, Ben took me to Disney for a few days and Wes stayed with gb and poppy. It was hot to say the least but the hotel was very nice and it was great to get away for a few days. After we got back from my grandmother's 80th b-day party in p-cola we were finally able to begin to settle in to our new house and Ben started at church.

So that's about it, our life this past month or so. I've got a kid attempting to climb up my leg so enjoy the pics! I'll post pics of the oridination when again, I don't have a kid climbing up my leg.


Anonymous said...
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theparakeet said...

That kid is sooo cute!!! Take me back to the beach.

The Duncans said...

we are hoping to come down for a football game this season--we have got to meet your little boy

mhoyer said...

you really should just come down for the kid...he's worth it.

Anonymous said...

We have a rule to only visit friends and/or family in Florida on Gator gameday weekends. Sorry, rules are rules.

mhoyer said...

your loss then I guess